
Ottoman Warrior, Photo of painting by 石龙 taken in Doha, Qatar 2017-07-16
Tokyo Skyline at night with Mr. Fuji in the Background. Photo by Silk Road Kung Fu Friendship Tour traveler/translator Miao Hui, January 30, 2019.

我的丝绸之路照片文件夹中有 55,728 张照片。

I have 55,728 photos in my Silk Road photo folder.

所以选择照片有点困难……但是,我会尝试一下!So it’s a bit difficult choosing photos… But, I’ll give it a try!

Shirvanshah 宫,巴库阿塞拜疆 Shirvanshah Palace, Baku Azerbaijan

我在中亚最喜欢的宫殿之一是并且仍然是阿塞拜疆巴库的 Shirvanshah 宫殿。 虽然它目前的形式不像宫殿那样特别大,但它曾经并且仍然舒适优雅地栖息在里海沿岸。 Shirvanshah 王朝之所以引人注目,有很多原因,包括它在位期间存活了大约七百年(9 世纪至 16 世纪),使其成为长寿和稳定的世界冠军之一。

One of my favorite palaces in Central Asia was and remains Shirvanshah’s Palace in Baku Azerbaijan. Though in its present form not particularly large as palaces go, it was and remains comfortable and elegant perched along the coast of the Caspian Sea. The Shirvanshah Dynasty was remarkable for many reasons including that it survived in power for some seven hundred years (9th-16th Century) making it one of the world champions for longevity and stability.


Taxila Archeological site in Pakistan

Tangsan’s Temple in Taxila Archeological Site, Pakistan

当我想到我拍摄的最有意义的照片时,通常首先想到的是名为 Taxila 的考古遗址。 为什么? 从任何标准来看,它都是一座建于公元前 1000 年的古城。 部分已被挖掘出来,但大部分仍被掩埋在时间的尘埃之下——来自罪人和圣徒混合骨头的尘埃。 这是一座设计精良的丝绸之路商贸城,水系贯穿各处,中心设有大浴场(或游泳池)。

And when I think about the most meaningful photos I’ve taken, the archeological site called Taxila often comes first to mind. Why? It was an ancient city by any standards founded in 1,000 BCE. Parts have been excavated, but most is still buried under the powdery dust of time – dust from the mixed bones of sinners and saints alike. It was a very well designed Silk Road trading city with a water system that circulated throughout, and a large bath (or swimming pool) in the center.

被挖掘并仍然对游客开放的城镇的一个部分是包含古老寺庙,甚至是教堂的部分。他们都紧挨着,人们和睦相处。我把玄奘(唐三)寺庙的照片放在这个页面的顶部,因为他是最早和最勇敢的丝绸之路旅行者之一,他独自一人从中国走到印度,然后返回。玄奘(602 CE – 664 CE)于公元 629 年至 645 年间访问了印度。公元 630 年,当他到达塔克西拉时,这座城市大部分已被遗弃,半毁。考虑到这座城市已经有 1600 年的历史,这并不奇怪。无论如何,他发现大部分的寺院和寺庙都已荒废,只剩下少数僧侣。尽管如此,这座城市留下来的部分还是很棒的,并带来了古老丝绸之路的感觉,以及必须渗透到所有宗教社区的相互尊重,他们的寺庙(和教堂)就在旁边彼此。

One part of town that was excavated and remains open is that which contains ancient temples, monasteries and church. They are all next to each other, and the people lived in peace with each other. I put the photo of Xuanzang’s (Tangsan) temple at the top of this page because he was one of the earliest and most courageous Silk Road travelers as he walked from China to India alone, and back. Xuanzang (602 CE – 664 CE) visited India between 629 and 645 CE. By the time he arrived in Taxila in 630 CE the city was mostly abandoned and half-ruined. Not too surprising considering the city was already 1,600 years old. In any case he found most of the monasteries and temples ruined and desolate with only a few monks remaining. In spite of that, the parts of the city that remain are awesome, and bring to life the feeling of the ancient Silk Roads, and the mutual respect that must have permeated all of the religious communities with their temples and church right next to each other.

Above (Left to right and down): Church of St. Andrew, Apsidal Temple, Jain Temple, Sun Temple, Silk Road Traveler Stone Dragon in front of the Buddhist Monastery at twilight, and last, Dharmarajika.

Islam for the record, was the last of the great religions to emerge on earth, and Taxila was just a memory for most by the time of the Holy Prophet Mohammad (570 CE – 632 CE). Given that Xuanzang lived from 602 CE to 664 CE they spent a considerable amount of time on this earth together. Is there a connection?

可能。 这表明,至少在某些地方,那是一个唯灵论和精神和谐的时代,而当时阿拉伯半岛非常需要这样的时代,因为战火不断,极度贫困。 值得注意的是,先知穆罕默德在 622 年撰写的《麦地那宪法》被许多人认为是第一个概述了保障不同部落人民和平共处所需的法律、权利和禁令的书面文件,以及 宗教。

Possibly. It suggests that was a time of spiritualism and spiritual harmony at least in some places, and the harsh desert Arabian Peninsula was in serious need of that at the time as there was incessant warring and immense poverty. It is also interesting to note that the “Constitution of Medina” written by the Prophet Mohammad in 622 is considered by many to have been the first written document that outlined laws, rights and prohibitions needed to guarantee the peaceful coexistence of people from different tribes and religions.

寻找更多的刺激? Looking for a bit more excitement?

阿富汗的桑达 Sanda in Afghanistan

以上是我在阿富汗喀布尔的第一次丝绸之路功夫友谊之旅冒险的照片。 上面的散打大师在拉希姆的功夫学校展示了强大的侧踢。 2015 年 2 月
From my first Silk Road Kung Fu Friendship Tour adventure in Kabul, Afghanistan. Above Sanda master demonstrates a powerful side kick at Rahim’s Kung Fu School. February, 2015

埃塞俄比亚亚的斯亚贝巴 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Stone dragon demonstrating “old school” Kung Fu in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. When kicking, always protect your vital parts.

格鲁吉亚国家少年功夫队 National Junior Kung Fu Team in Georgia

Stone Dragon interviewing members of the Georgian National Junior Wushu Team (July 30, 2015)

巴基斯坦的功夫 Kung Fu in Pakistan

上图: 2017 年 12 月 31 日,巴基斯坦拉合尔 – 采访巴基斯坦武术联合会主席兼创始人、南亚武术联合会主席、旁遮普省奥林匹克协会副主席、红龙武术联合会主席马利克·伊夫蒂哈尔·艾哈迈德大师 (!),在展示了他们的一些技能之后,我们与他的一个令人难以置信的团队合影留念。
December 31, 2017, Lahore Pakistan – After an interview with Grandmaster Malik Iftikhar Ahmed, President & Founder of the Pakistan Wushu Federation, President of the South Asia Wushu Federation, Vice President of the Punjab Olympic Association, and President of the Red Dragon Wushu Federation(!), and after a demonstration of some of their incredible skills we took a photo with one of his teams.

在拉合尔 WAPDA 体育中心与马利克大师的另一支球队合影。 有趣,高技能,纪律严明,周围都是伟大的运动员和人类。 Part of Grandmaster Malik’s other team at WAPDA Sports Center in Lahore. Fun, high skilled, disciplined and all around great athletes and human beings.

泰国功夫 Kung Fu in Thailand

Silk Road Kung Fu Friendship Tour Part 37 – Phuket, Thailand

Silk Road Kung Fu Friendship Tour Part 38 – Phuket Island’s Kung Fu Continued

Below from and earlier two articles about Kung Fu in Thailand:

2020 January Silk Road Kung Fu Friendship Tour Part 31 – in Thailand

2020 February Silk Road Kung Fu Friendship Tour Part 32 – in Thailand cont.

National Museum of Thailand


Given I have literally tens of thousands of photos, I hope to change the photos on this page regularly to keep visitors to this site coming back again and again.

National Museum of Thailand
Statuette in front of Phuket Town Buddhist Temple (2021)